Thames & Hudson was founded in 1949 by Walter and Eva Neurath. Their passion and mission for T&H was that its books should reveal the world of art to the general public, to create a ‘museum without walls’ and to make accessible to a broad, non-specialist reading public, at prices it could afford, the research and the findings of top scholars and academics. Thames & Hudson now publishes approximately 180 new titles each year and has a current backlist of over 2000 titles. The company specializes in the arts (fine, applied, decorative, performing), archaeology and history, architecture, design, photography, travel and popular culture. They published the first book in this series, 2014’s 100 Painters of Tomorrow.
Kurt Beers is Director of Beers London and author of 100 Painters of Tomorrow. In 2013, Beers approached Thames & Hudson with the concept for a new book to identify the most-important emerging painters internationally, that resulted in 2014’s seminal 100 Painters of Tomorrow. Similarly, as Director of Beers London, Beers has worked with emerging and established artists internationally, prioritising an approach to contemporary art that is both progressive and thought-provoking. Through continued collaboration with artists and organizations, Beers continues to spearhead one of the most regarded young gallery spaces in London. In 2015 and 2016, Beers London was listed in Blouin Media’s ‘500 Best Galleries Worldwide’ and in 2015 Director Kurt Beers was included in ArtLyst’s ‘Alternative Power 100’. Beers holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and a Master’s Degree from City University in London, England.